After last week’s two-day dry run at UTC Sheffield with over 100 visitors, we’re now feeling ready to take our project out to the world…well, to the people of Sheffield to start with at least! Team member, Steve Florence, adapted this photo of me trialling our Virtual Reality experience, and I can confirm that it is awesome. We’ll have lots of practical activities on offer including a specially designed ‘Anatomy Scanner’, and you will be able to build your own hand and design a prosthetic or artificial arm with our help. There will be plenty to look at and loads to do, and the team will be on hand (see what I did there?) throughout the day to help you. Please come and help us get our message out and join the debate about blending in or standing out.
Dry run complete. Onwards to the Millennium Gallery!
Article posted
on 07 Oct 2016
by Denise Eaton
on 07 Oct 2016
by Denise Eaton

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